Where Can I Buy?


For  a list of shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants see the Directory for


Nationally and on line

There are over 4,500 products with the Fairtrade Mark now and they include:

Coffee, tea, herbal teas, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, grapes, melons, pineapples, mangoes, avocados, apples, pears, plums, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, satsumas, clementines, mandarins, lychees, blueberries, coconuts, dried fruit, juices, smoothies, biscuits, cakes & snacks, honey, jams & preserves, chutney & sauces, rice, quinoa, herbs & spices, seeds, nuts & nut oil, olive oil, wines, beers, rum, confectionery, muesli, cereal bars, yoghurt, ice-cream, flowers, sports balls, sugar body scrub and cotton products including clothing, homewear, cloth toys & cotton wool.

Have a look at the Fairtrade Foundation’s page about buying Fairtrade froducts for more information

If you can’t find what you are looking for locally, ask your local store manager.  You can order special postcards to hand to your local stores and cafes asking them to stock more Fairtrade products from the Fairtrade Foundation’s Website.
Page updated 06-09-2020